These are letters from my great-grandfather to my great-grandmother sent during World War One.
My maternal grandmother has always been interested in family history, and recently she's been working on her dad and his time in the Army. He was a qualified pharmacist and was in the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC). He was working in London when war broke out and went to France not long after. He was action around Ypres on the Western Front.
His letters are so amazing to hold and read - there is genuine love for his sweetheart, my great-grandmother. They got married after the war and my grandma was born in 1926. There are, in London, genuinely interesting things about the war, such as 'Germany is fighting a war she cannot win... It will bring her to her knees'.
I never knew either of my great grandparents on this side, so this look into their lives as young people is interesting anyway. Against the back drop of WWI it's even more so :)
I spent all day in bed yesterday throwing up. Today I ache in places I didn't know I had muscles...